- born in Berlin
- School leaving examination in Berlin (Abitur)
- Apprenticeship to become a photographer in Berlin
- Jobs in Würzburg, Cologne and Offenbach
- Industrial photographer for the printing press manufacturer KBA Koenig & Bauer AG in Würzburg
- Examination for the title of „Meister“ (trade examination) in Würzburg
- self-employed, working as architecture, advertising and industry photographer in Würzburg
- Worked as lecturer at adult education courses (VHS) and for the „Meister“ class for photographers Würzburg
- Member of the master board of examiners for photographers of the chamber of trade
- handicraft of Lower Franconia
- Ending of the job as photographer, beginning of a new life, occupational retraining as bus driver
- “Das Canfranc-Projekt”, studio exhibition together with Matthias Schneege
- “Das Canfranc-Projekt” at the office of “Böck, Tappe und Kollegen” in Würzburg
- “Das Canfranc-Projekt”, together with Stefan Gregor at the Torreon Norte of the International Railway station in Canfranc, Spain
- “Endstation Canfranc – Verfall einer europäischen Vision”, together with Stefan Gregor at the “Neuen Kunstverein KunstLANDing” in Aschaffenburg
- “Canfranc – Gegenwart und Zukunft”, together with Stefan Gregor at the European Parliament in Straßburg/France
- “Das Canfranc-Projekt”, together with Stefan Gregor at the DPD head office in Aschaffenburg
- “Füße und andere nackte Tatsachen” at the Umsonst&Draussen in Würzburg
- “Erotische Akte” at the bookshop “erlesen” in Würzburg
- „Neuanfang – poems and pics“ at the bookshop “erlesen” in Würzburg
Participation at different joint-exhibitions